February 2013 E Newsletter

Posted by Cathy Green on


February 2013

E Newsletter  


pond photo 


This is the time of year I like to think about the spring . You might be interested in the maintenance instructions for water plants in the water garden for the upcoming season This newsletter will include some pointers for getting your pond and plants ready for spring.

We also received a very nice article from our fish breeder on the sex of koi. I've always said to watch who chases who ( boys chase the girls) .But here are a few other tips to learn, Is it a boy or a girl?

I hope you enjoy this months newsletter. Let us know on Facebook

In this Newsletter



 Early Spring Maintenance

Koi Gender


When we have warm days I can't help but want to be outside and working.

Here is my to do list

  1. I net out algae that is getting a head start.
  2. I net out any leaves that got past the netting before they start to decompose.
  3. And most important trim off dried winter foliage before spring growth begins. If I forget to trim the winter foliage it takes twice as long to clip the plant and avoid new spring growth. black gaemcock 
  4. Early repotting for water lilies and lotus can take place around the middle of march .
  5. Hardy marginal plants can be repotted beginning the first of April . Most early growth can handle a light frost while becoming established. Tropical water plants you should wait until after the last frost.

We will have lots of new containers available for all your repotting of water plants including

  • Lotus Tubs 23w"x10"h or 16"w x7"h
  • 3 gallon (estimated ) 11"w x 7.5"h
  • Marginal containers 22"x12"x7" Great for combining two plants together into one container.

For more information about how to report your water plants see the web site www.grasslandaquatics.com at the "Education" tab


mixed container

16" x7" moxed container




Is it a boy or a girl? How to determine the sex of your koi? By Blue Ridge Fish Hatchery



1.)  The Shape

The sex of a young Koi does not affect its body shape until it begins to reach sexual maturity, which is usually at around three years of age. Most females at this age will start to carry eggs and will tend to be more rounded and "blimp" shaped. Males are more streamlined and torpedo shaped. Males lack the swollen abdomen of females. Generally speaking, females will grow to a larger size than males. Take a look at the pictures  for an example of the two. 

2.)  The Feel

Generally by two years of age, male koi will start to feel rough to the touch, especially during the spring season as temperatures are rising. If you rub your fingers on the gill plates and along the side of the body, it feels like sandpaper. Females will be slick and smooth to the touch.

3.)  The Vent

The male vent will be more con-caved in appearance where-as the female vent will be convex and slightly protruding with a slight pink appearance

4.)  The Behavior 

During the spring spawning season sexually mature males will chase the females, nudging them with their nose to encourage her to release her eggs.  



Winter Store  Hours Monday - Saturday 9:00-4:00 Wednesday 10:00-54:00

March 1 Monday - Saurday 9:00-5:00

April 15th Sunday 12:00-4:00




Cathy Green
2164 Hllsboro Rd Franklin TN 37069





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