
Posted by Cathy Green on


Grassland Aquatics



January 2013


Happy New Year -2013 is here ! And this time of year I like to show  what is  now available and my favorite for the water gardener and their pond, koi pond or water feature. This newsletter will look at books, pumps, filters, and filter media. If you are thinking about an upgrade for your pond  in plants or filtration we have a few ideas for you.


I love at this time of year,  to sit down with some good reading material. The Lotus Know It and Grow It is a fun book . Written by Kelly Billings and Paula Biles for the International Water Garden Society to show off lotus to current admirers and introduce it to readers who have not yet been captivated by Nelumbo's charms. Priced only $9.00





We also have Brooklyn Botanical Gardens' books for all types of gardening at a discounted price of only $5.95 You can find a complete selection on the web site. www.grasslandaquatics.com



Danner Skimmer Pumps


Pondmaster has developed a great new pump for the skimmer. Available in sizes of 1400-6600 gph.

Designed to Move Large Volumes of Water

Silent and Efficient

High Efficiency Vortex Impeller

Unique Upright Design, Specifically for Pond Skimmer Use

Rigid Pre-Filter Stabilizes Pump while Protecting it from Large Debris

Male Outlet and Elbow Included

FREE - Pump Bag Included for Extra Pump Protection

3 year warranty


Emperor Aquatics PSP Filters


Emperor Aquatics PSP Filters

  • are a pressurized filter with Filter Clay filter media for handling heavy solid waste applications .
  • features a spun wound fiberglass construction body that offers exceptional durability and a high pressure flow rate .
  • come with automated back wash for ponds 4000 gallons and up



Matala Filter Mat


Do you just love the filter media in the Matala pre filter?

Now it is available in a 24x39" sheet great for filtration that does not channel and collapse when it full.


Introducing Matala mat. It is a perfect "drop in" media for biological filters, filterfalls, Vortex filters, and barrel filters .


Matala is slightly buoyant and will not sink to the bottom of your filter. Matala stood vertically on end will not float. Matala stacked horizontally will hold each other down. Due 


  matala mat

to it's rigidity the Matala can be wedged in place in the filter without support.

Winter Store Hours


January - February 28th  

Monday - Saturday 9:00-4:00

Wednesday 10:00-5:00


Visit our web site for an article on winter pond care on the education page.




pond in snow





Grassland Aquatics
2164 Hillsboro Rd
Franklin, Tennessee 37069



In This Issue

Danner Skimmer Pump

Emperor Aquatics PSP Filter

Matala Filter Mat



Madison graduates!

Guess what? Madison received his diploma this past month. He takes a short break before heading back for his graduate studies next semester. Congratulations Madison!  





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